Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Decided to make use of some of Joel's t-shirts by refashioning them into wicked cool skirts. Here's the first one: He had this shirt for at least ten years, if not longer. I cut it off just below the sleeves, measured it to fit my waist, resewed the side seams on an angle to the outer corners and then made a casing for some 1/2" elastic at the waist. Easy peasy!

The front of the skirt, which used to be the back of the shirt:

The back of the skirt, which used to be the front of the shirt:

From the side:

Yes, I am wearing rain boots -- a true fashionista, I know!

Coming next: an Ozzy t-shirt-turned-skirt. And if I am brave, I'll refashion his jeans into a skirt. Just not sure if my machine can handle two-plus layers of denim.

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